
Sessions Twelve: La Violinista

Talent: Franz
Photographed by lee abrio

Hi Everyone! This is one of our lazy Sunday shoot. A friend of mine has organized to set a shoot on the Lake? River? whatever you call it. lol. We are supposed to rent a old looking boat but our guy didn't find what we want. Well this wasn't so bad at all, regardless of its yellow paint and playboy logo. hahaha. And i thought were gonna need another boat for our lighting set-up.

Gear Talk!! I only used my Canon 50D with 70-200mm lens playing with an aperture of 2.8-5. No lighting set-up was involve no reflectors. All comes with direct sunlight.

Again thanks to the organizers!! Thanks Guys!! ;) 



Sessions Twelve: Z-Series

Model: Amal
Photographed by Lee Abrio
Credits: Organizers- Nezam + Armie

Hot Cars & Girls shoot session was organized by my my local friends. They have invited more than 10 super car owners, 10-12 local and foreign talents and most of the photography enthusiast in the country attended the event. Its a good gathering of photographers held in a newly constructed covered roof building.

I did not bring any of my lighting equipment on this day. I know its gonna be packed with photographers. So i just make advantage of the available light on the location i.e. sun. lol

Gear Talk!! I used my old Canon 50D with Sigma 50mm 1.4 i also tried using a UWA lens but its too wide and i didn't get any success using it. Hmmn. i think i will find time to shoot more of this kind with lighting set-up.



Sessions Twelve: JV

Model: JV
Photographed by lee abrio
Lighting Asst.: Uniokeez Bautista

BTS with my Co-Photog./Lighting Assistant/human boom stand. lol

Hello there!! I'm back again! lol. Hope you guys like my new blog layout. I'm not sure if this layout works with laptop and small monitors since i adjusted my width to 1200px. The images above are some of my few sessions with JV. With Thanks to my good friend Uniok for inviting me on some of his personal sessions with her.

Gear talk! I used my old canon 50d on this images and a 50mm f1.4 sigma as always. 1 Elincrom dlites and Tronix battery pack for the outdoors and available window light for indoors. I'm not really satisfied with my output on our outdoors shoot at the beach. One-light is tough for me. I always look for a kicker light separations lately, i wonder why?. We never had a chance to bring out a second light due to strong winds and the whole shoot i was fighting with the f*ckn sand flies. lol. Few minutes later after finding my comfort in the shoot the sky has started to fill us with thick clouds. So we ended up swimming at the beach after saving all our equipment from the coming rain. That's the only fun part tho. hahaha.Thanks for reading. ;)



Sessions Twelve: Distortion of the Fifth

Model: Joyce Santos
Photographed by leeabrio
Credits: Uniokeez & Ma'am Jo 

Another session from my back-logs. Sorry guys if I wasn't able to update much on my photoshoot sessions. 
I've been engaged with lots of activities lately. Well aside from my day job I shoot a lot till I can't find time to edit 'em photos. lol. As much as possible i picked those photo's which are easy to edit or which requires less retouching. That's how i do the hierarchy but of course i need to prioritized my client shoot before anything else. I wish i was a full time. haha. 
This wasn't the first time i work with Joyce (model). The first time we've done a testshoot with her was completely a failure (sorry). A friend of mine has just bought his new strobe light @400ws with a battery pack. We were so excited to test it and we used a portable beauty dish on the shoot. We started shooting around 5pm+ but since its cloudy we are getting a dimmer ambient light from the sky. I found it tricky since i can only shoot with an aperture of 2.8 below in order for me to get decent exposure of the background provided i'm @ my lowest possible hand held shoot for shutter speed. I did try few test with the strobe light @ this settings (one light) and i'm getting a harsh lighting on my subject. The light was set to the lowest power settings and I noticed that i can only get a decent exposure of my subject if i shoot with aperture 5.6 and up which will under exposed my background. Too bad that we didn't bring any back-up lights. We did try few solutions like moving the lights away to our subject but i'm not really happy with what i'm getting on the shoot another solution is to put more diffuser on the beauty dish/light modifier or shoot with natural/ambient light. .hahaha.
For this shoot session i used one light and a window light, 50D with 50mm 1.4 Sigma attached. I played around with aperture of 1.4 - 2.8. shutter speed varies on the ambient exposure i want. It is always tough shooting in a group, how you organized a photoshoot, how you deal with your subject/model & co-photographers and how you coordinate with your MUA's etc. I'm not really good at it. Photography is not just taking photo, its not only learning about the aperture,shutter speed, ISO, and proper exposure or lighting. It's more into directing your subject/model to your desired output when you don't have a creative director. How you communicate with your subject, and how to make them at feel comfortable & at ease during the shoot on the set specially when you are shooting in a group. I will try to share some of my insights & strategies on my next post.



Sessions Eleven: Rare Encounter

Model: Karina
Photographed by leeabrio

One of my long overdue shoot sessions. I can't even remember where i took this photo's (lol). I used my Canon 50D + 50mm 1.8 Canon for this entire set, i did not bring any lights since i was just invited on this session. I tried using my Camera's built in flash. This flash works well with a close-up half body or head shots, not really powerfull enough for full body shots. Considering the effect is not as good as off-flash strobing (own preference). I've seen some of the famous fashion Photographers who shoot in bare direct flash, They even apply it in their commercial/commissioned shoot.(are you kidding me? lol). This is where i say, hmmn. errrr it depends on the subject/model? ok lets say i shoot Rosie H. or Gal G. (Crush) don't you think this photo's with the built-in flash set-up will work? 



Sessions Twelve: étrange familier

Model: Ursula Searle
Photographed by leeabrio
Lighting Assistant: Uniokeez Bautista
Many thanks to Joseph Gatz

Hi there guys, this is one of the many invitational shoot i've attended few weeks ago. A Collaboration with Co-Photographers Gatz & Uniokeez. I tried shooting this with 2 lights set-up but i didn't find any success on it, my kicker light doesn't want to communicate with my main light. And so i started shooting in available/natural light. Using my long and heavy 70-200 lens made it easier to play around with depth, composition & angles. I'm really enjoying this gun in shooting outdoors. I didn't have much shoot that day due to a very thick dark clouds covered our sky. Since we are shooting at the beach and about 2-3 km away from the car parking area.  I had to rush and packed my stuffs quickly after seeing the hinting droplets on our shoot location.

PS Please check her out @ www.ursulasearle.com



Pre-Wedding Sessions: Francis + Joy

Photographed by leeabrio
Asst. Photog: Uniokeez
Pre-wedding Sessions: Francis + Joy
All Rights Reserved 2012

 The fun part.

Another addition to my pre-wedding sessions. Francis is my friend for over 10 years now. I have witness their love and friendship and i'm really honoured & thankful that they have chose me to shoot their pre-wedding. This is where i say "I love this job". lol
I took these photo's last Saturaday 21st of April 2012. We don't have much good locations in mind so we decided to do the shoot at the beach on a formal suit. I've no idea why every time i think of a beach location i always end up going to Meragang beach. Probably its because of a good sunset view projected towards the sea line and not much people around so i get less disturbances on my frames. lol The only thing is that you need to have a very thick skin to get immune with sand fly bites. its terrible!!
A lot of people asked me what are the gears/equipments i used for shooting? I remember last time i shoot my first Client/Commercial shoot where I only used my old Canon 50D + kit-lens 17-85mm and 50mm 1.8, 
2x400ws elincrom dlites c/w standard sofboxes,& Canon Flash 580ex2. I manage to survive with this equipment for few years untill now. (ofcourse i'm not a full time) lol
For this Session, I started doing a test shot with my 50D + 50mm 1.4 sigma lens attached, i tried using ND8 since i'm shooting at around 5pm where the sun is still harsh. I did not get any success trying to over power the sun with my 400ws Flash Head, i wish i had 1200ws to play around with. lol. I love shooting against the light/harsh sun but not this one. So i decided to used my other Canon 60D + 70-200mm Canon lens attached. I noticed the the sky on the other side of the beach is turning gray so i made a few test and when i checked my shot i was so blown away with the light and colours. And i started using the Sun as my main light source and my flash head for kicker light, I play around with an aperture of  2.8 lowest to 5.0, and shutter speed ranging about 1/250th of a second or less depending on the exposure i'm getting from the sun.
Shooting outdoors is not easy, I am fortunate that i have a willing lighting man and at the same time assistant photographer who holds my light and battery pack during the shoot. Thanks to Uniokeez for doing so. Next time i will get a 10kg battery pack and bring my huge octabox on the set. lol. Thanks & Congratulations to my friend Francis & Joy, i can't wait to see your wedding and sorry for the sandfly bites. hahaha.