
Sessions Twelve: JV

Model: JV
Photographed by lee abrio
Lighting Asst.: Uniokeez Bautista

BTS with my Co-Photog./Lighting Assistant/human boom stand. lol

Hello there!! I'm back again! lol. Hope you guys like my new blog layout. I'm not sure if this layout works with laptop and small monitors since i adjusted my width to 1200px. The images above are some of my few sessions with JV. With Thanks to my good friend Uniok for inviting me on some of his personal sessions with her.

Gear talk! I used my old canon 50d on this images and a 50mm f1.4 sigma as always. 1 Elincrom dlites and Tronix battery pack for the outdoors and available window light for indoors. I'm not really satisfied with my output on our outdoors shoot at the beach. One-light is tough for me. I always look for a kicker light separations lately, i wonder why?. We never had a chance to bring out a second light due to strong winds and the whole shoot i was fighting with the f*ckn sand flies. lol. Few minutes later after finding my comfort in the shoot the sky has started to fill us with thick clouds. So we ended up swimming at the beach after saving all our equipment from the coming rain. That's the only fun part tho. hahaha.Thanks for reading. ;)